Happy Mother's Day!
With Mother's Day just around the corner (Sunday, May 12th), Effort Trust Apartment Rentals thought it would be a great idea to ask a few mom's what Mother's Day means to them. Here is what they had to say:
Firstly, it is a day I honour my own mother and grandmother; for their love, acceptance of me and my girls, their guidance, patience, and gentle hearts. It is a day I honour the moms who have lost their children and the children who have lost their moms. In my own home, I have learned that this is not a time that I want a "day off'. In fact, I actually want it to be a “day on". A day on, not do laundry, but to sit and read with my youngest who is now 11. It is a day to order-in and watch a movie with my oldest who is now 15. It is a weekend to invite my mom over and cook for her, to visit my grandma and bring her flowers. It is a day to read the little cards made at school and to show off the macaroni jewellery that I proudly wear because it was carefully crafted with loving little hands.
Mother's Day is a celebration not only for our mother's, but grandmother's too! It is a day to celebrate and appreciate all of the special things a mom (any mom) has ever done for you. Also It makes me remember the very special day I became a mommy too.
Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a mom. My own mother was wonderful and I was so lucky to have her. I wish she was still here to be a part of my life. Mother's Day is a day to spend with my two boys and it reminds me that I am doing a good job...they are great kids! My favourite part of the day is reading the cards and seeing the crafts that they have made.
I would tell you Mother's Day is a day to think about my mom and all she has done for me to make me the person I am today. It is also a day to celebrate my children and what I do every day to make them the beautiful people they are.
Last year, my Mother-in-Law passed away on Mother's Day, so my thoughts have changed. On Mother's Day this year, we will be remembering her. I am so thankful that my Mom and Grandmother are still here and in good health. You can never spend enough time with your Mom. Your Mother's world revolves around you when you are born and as you get older all they really want from you is time. Time is priceless and always something we are running out of.
- Being a mom has been the most rewarding challenge of my life…it compares to nothing else in all of my life experiences. Being a mom has given me such a feeling of purpose and inspires me to get out and live life with my daughter and expose her to the world, new adventures and experiences. Every age of my daughter has offered its own unique special things about them, and I am so grateful for all of them. Happy Mother’s Day to those of you with children…it’s a day to celebrate your hard work and remember how quickly time passes so seize the time with your children.
As a son and a father, Mother's Day is a time to express how much the mother’s in my life mean to me. My own mother was a stay-at-home mom while we were growing up and raised two boys…I know how hard of a task that can be at times. I take Mother's Day seriously because I know how much my mom has done for us growing up, and helping us to succeed. She has always been there for us, so the least I can do for her is express my appreciation on Mother's Day! In terms of my wife and the mother of our two boys, when no one is listening and nothing seems right, I too turn to her. Just one look from her and I melt. She is my anchor, my best friend, my biggest fan and my constant supporter. She loves without expecting and our boys see that every day. She makes time to play games, read to them, shower them with hugs and kisses, and just spend time with them. They truly are the luckiest boys in the world to have such an amazing woman to look up to. She’s never been one of those moms who doesn’t see fault in her children which is great because she gives her honest perspective. She is not one to say “it wasn’t my child’s fault”…she would say something like “well, that happened because…”. She is always there to gently help and guide them along. Both my own mother and my wife show compassion and love. They show me that moms are tender and understanding of everyone’s needs. They are there when you need a hug or a good talking to. They stay up many nights to take care of baby while dad is sleeping. They are there when their child is sick to sooth and comfort them. They love to play with you but when you need a listening ear they are always there for you. Mother's Day means more to me now that I have a family of my own. So, to my own mother and to my wife...thank you for all that you do and for who you are. I love you more that I can express!
Here at Effort Rentals, we all hold mother's in high regards. So, to all you mom's...thank you for all that you do and we hope you have a very Happy Mother's Day!